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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Talk of the semester

Nicole: Hi, Karina , good morning, he is Alan.
Karina: How are you Alan?
Alan: I'm  fine, and you?
Karina: So-so.
Alan: Are you doing?
Karina: Study and you?
Alan: Also, where?
Karina: ITSC.
Alan: What?
Karina: Engineer.
Alan: As I can get there?
Karina: down the street, on the rigth.
Alan: Sorry who is she?
Karina: She is my sister.
Alan: Is very pretty, young.
Alan: How old?
Karina: She is 21.
Karina: What ir your address?
Alan: Leyes I, street 2.
Alan: What ir your phone number? 
Karina: 6453408587.
Karina: How is your house?
Alan: My house have two-bedroom, a bathroom, a large kitchen, a livinigroom, a diningroom, a bookcase.
Karina: Very nice.
Karina: I like your black jacket.
Alan: Thank you.
Karina: you're welcome.
Alan: Nicole and you are...
Karina: Friends. And you?
Alan: Classmates.

Karina:  Nice to meet you Alan.
Alan:  Nice to meet you Karina.
Karina: Good-bye
Alan: Take care.

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